
All About SKU, FNSKU, EAN, ASIN, GIN & UPC Barcode on Amazon, eBay & Google


All About SKU, FNSKU, EAN, ASIN, GIN & UPC Barcode on Amazon, eBay & Google


In this Article

Learn what does this means and how it works in the online world.

SKU: SKU refers to a commodity, each of which has an SKU for the convenience of e-commerce brand identification. There are multiple SKUs when a product has multiple attributes, such as different colors, sizes, and so on. For example, if a garment has three colors, black, white, and gray, and each color has different sizes of S, M, L, and XL, then this garment will have 12 SKUs.

ASIN: (Amazon Standard Identification Number) is a ten-digit alphanumeric code that identifies products on amazon. ASIN code can be used to query products in both the front end of the platform and the back end of the seller’s store. One ASIN for one SKU.

FNSKU: (Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit) is used to help Amazon label your product in their fulfillment centers. You need this as an FBA seller. You either have your supplier prints it for you or have Amazon print it (Maybe the service charge is expensive). one FBA product SKU corresponds to one FNSKU. Sometimes, the code of FNSKU may be the same as that of ASIN, which is why customers place orders with you and get products from the following sellers (maybe his products are of poor quality, but your customers submit bad reviews for your store).

GTIN:(Global Trade Item Number) is a unique and internationally recognized identifier for a product. There are UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN types, with UPC being the most commonly used.

EAN:(European Article Number) consisting of 13 digits barcodes used all over the world except Canada and the United States. They are relevant for most products that are sold within Amazon’s European marketplace.

UPC: You can’t put products on shelves without UPC. UPC can be purchased from platforms like GS1 (expensive but safe), while those from other places are cheaper (somewhat risky). A single attribute product corresponds to a UPC, if different color size, use the new UPC. The UPC will remain unchanged for the second shipment.

ISBN: The International Standard Book Number is a numeric commercial book identifier that is intended to be unique. Publishers purchase ISBNs from an affiliate of the International ISBN Agency. An ISBN is assigned to each separate edition and variation of a publication.

  • Jodha


    March 22, 2022

    Amazing info.. always gets confused

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