
AsinSeed - The Most Accurate Amazon Reverse ASIN Search Tool

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AsinSeed provides the search keywords used to find any Amazon product listing.

Results include the monthly search volume, product variations and a summary of unique keywords. Data can be exported to Excel.


Find Out Actual User Search Terms

Dig into your competitors real keywords which bring them the most traffic. The most straight forward method of optimizing keywords Save your PPC cost and boost your keywords rank

Billions of Keywords and Products

0.8 billion keywords updated monthly. Compute each asin traffic with AsinSeed proprietary algorithm. Provide detailed data of market competition and demand

Support 9 Amazon Marketplace

Support AsinSeed, Japan, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Canada and India. Supports 6+ months of search traffic for each ASIN. Get a deeper understanding of search habits from any market place.

Chrome Extension

  •   Discover high traffic keywords of competitors with one click
  •   Life time trials, free lookup times without any limits every month
  •   Unlimited keywords export, directly used to optimize Listing and PPC advertising
  •   Support all marketplaces in web app

AsinSeed Video

  • The presentation of AsinSeed Web version and the usage of Chrome plug-in.
  • Introduce the meaning of traffic keywords, weight, and searches.
  • The brief of choosing and analyzing compatible products by finding the traffic keywords of the child ASIN, and identifying the core one.
  • The advanced video version will be released soon. It will include that how to use AsinSeed to optimize Listing and PPC words.

What does the AsinSeed plug-in do?

1.Get keywords for listing and CPC optimization on Amazon directly;
2.Discover the keywords that drive traffic to the listing you’re viewing;
3.Find relevant keywords with keyword mining tool on the search results page;
4.0.8 billion keywords updated monthly; Support the US, Japan, Canada, and EU

What is the principle of Asinseed?

1. Firstly, they track and analyze the keywords that the user actually searches for, and sort the massive vocabulary based by their popularity.
2. Analyze the traffic keywords of each ASIN and calculate the popularity of each traffic keyword for the ASIN.
3. It should be noted that some keywords are in the popular category of organic search keywords, but it doesn’t mean that it is popular for targeted ASIN either.


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