Inventory Source

Dropship Automation Software & Integrated Supplier Network

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Inventory Source is dropship inventory and order management software that allows users to automatically upload products and route orders. They have a network of over 230 dropship suppliers and connect to many online stores, marketplaces and ecommerce platforms.

Users can build automation rules to price, filter and categorize their supplier’s products with the Catalog Manager, and automatically streamline the ordering process from their sales channels to suppliers with the Order Manager.

manages data including multi-warehouse inventory management, order routing, backorder handling, stock counts, product statuses, SKU mapping for over 180 supplier integrations, and for custom integrations.

Free Dropshipper Directory

has an expansive dropship supplier directory of over 230 wholesale dropship companies. Comprised of U.S. Dropshippers, China Dropshippers and everywhere in between, our directory allows you to find the dropship supplier that’s right for your business.

Dropship Automation Software
& Integrated Supplier Network

Automatically upload products, sync inventory & route orders with dropship suppliers to virtually any online store, marketplace or ecommerce platform.

Inventory Source
Full Product Data Integration

Automatically upload dropship products into your ecommerce store with multiple images, parent/child variations, attributes and more.

Optimized Inventory Sync

They utilize an industry-leading syncing process to pull and push inventory data as often as possible to prevent selling out-of-stock products.

Dropship Order Automation

Automatically place orders and sync back tracking to eliminate entry errors, improve turnaround and increase customer satisfaction.

Inventory Source

Dropship automation solutions for ecommerce retailers

Inventory Source
Connect to Suppliers

Connect to our 230+ dropship supplier network or add your own supplier.

Inventory Source
Automatic Inventory Syncing

Automatically upload product data and keep inventory in sync – no manual file imports.

Inventory Source
Automatic Order Processing

Automatically send orders to your supplier and sync back shipment tracking.

Full Product Data

They are one of the only companies that do a full product data upload to your store. They also provide more catalog management and customization tools with our Catalog Manager, which allows you to bulk customize product data, pricing rules and category mapping and automatically sync price, quantity and status updates to your store.
Inventory Source

Pricing Details:

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Amazon Sites:

eBay Sites:

Alternative Marketplace:

Multi-Channel Software:

Shipping & Fulfilment:

Carts,Payments & POS:



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