
eBay Data. Know more. Sell more.

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ShelfTrend offers live eBay marketplace with massive inventory and also sales. ShelfTrend is the eBay analytics tool that over 35,000 sellers have chosen to guide them in growing and also protecting their eBay sales.

You can use ShelfTrend’s reports to:

  1. Discover an untapped niche with proven sales.
  2. Watch competitors and also get to know their selling strategies.
  3. Troubleshoot business issues by checking yourself against others selling in the same space.
  4. Get to know your online buyer and also their product preferences.
  5. Determine how to price your products.
  6. Respond to new threats before they impact your search rank and also sales.
  7. Monitor your eBay search rank.

ShelfTrend is used by to validate product range. Features and also pricing assumptions by providing an overview of the defined market. Revealing niche opportunities, and also in-demand products. Free Basic package available for up to 250 queries per month. Paid plans from $19.99 per month.



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