
Amazon Product Sourcing Software for Professional FBA Sellers

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SupplySpy helps Amazon sellers identify profitable products.

Users are able to determine brands with popular products on Amazon, competitors who are selling these products, and contact information for product suppliers.

The Bulk Analyzer tool analyzes product supplier lists, providing automated calculations that allow the user to identify products that will turn a profit and how much the profit will be.

Amazon Product Sourcing Software for Professional FBA Sellers

SupplySpy is the only web-based solution that lets you analyze supplier wholesale price lists and calculate profits in bulk.

Their Mission is to Make Amazon Product Research Easy

As Amazon Sellers ourselves, they constantly faced time-consuming research issues. No Amazon wholesale tool on the market provided cost-efficient bulk analysis. Other software either didn’t produce the metrics they were looking for, lacked accurate data, or was so over-priced that it was out of the question for a medium-sized seller.

How the System Works

1. Receive product data files from wholesale suppliers

2. Upload files to SupplySpy

3. Let it run and check back daily to find most profitable products

4. Order products from your suppliers and send to Amazon FBA

SupplySpy covers all the basis — it takes into account shipping costs, multi-packs, referral fees, pick & pack costs, monthly storage, inbound shipping, and more. The software even allows a user to assign products to specific suppliers to easily track overall supplier profitability.


Web-based Software

Nothing to install on your computer, no downloads or worrying about upgrades. Log-in to your account from different computers. No need to work with large and clumsy Excel files.

SupplySpy Dashboard
SupplySpy Suppliers List

Upload Once

Upload your supplier files once and let it run for an unlimited time. No need for daily re-uploads. Only re-upload supplier files when new products are available or supplier prices change.

Custom Views

Instantly turn on/off any column or filter based on your preferences. Don’t get overwhelmed with all the information and leave only what’s important to you.

SupplySpy Customizable ASIN list views
SupplySpy ASIN Details

ASIN Metrics

The longer you use the software the more information becomes available on your ASINs as our tool tracks data automatically each day. Check and search by 7-day or 30-day average sales rank, see price changes, price averages and much more.

Flexible Profit Calculations

Calculate profits based on lowest FBA price or lowest price (including shipping). Supplier shipping settings can be added for suppliers that charge extra to ship products to you.

SupplySpy ASIN Details

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