
Asinkey - Your Exceptional Amazon Keyword Tool

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Asinkey is an Amazon keyword tool to help the sellers find the best keyword ideas for their products. The tool provides keyword suggestions with estimated search volumes, allows tracking of organic and sponsored keyword ranks, and includes a page analyzer to help sellers optimize product titles, descriptions and images.

Asinkey Analyse And Track Your Keywords


Find the right keyword for your products!

You are free to use all keyword suggestions.


Discover highly relevant merchant words!

This will allow you to improve your sales. You can also find your monthly keyword volume.


Track your

Asinkey are tracking Amazon keywords for 24 Hours a day.


Check product imperfections with On Page Analyzer

Optimize your product title, description, images and more to rank higher.

The Features You Get With Asinkey

Asinkey helps you find thousands of keywords and get better rankings


Keyword Research


Product and Keyword Tracking


Keyword Volume Analysis


Product Listing Optimization

Competitive Analysis

Competitor Keyword Track

Best Sales Rank Filter

Review Rating Graphs

Keyword Volume of Asinkey

Asinkey provides a great database of Amazon keywords to use for your product SEO purposes. The Amazon keyword tool generates huge number of relevant keywords and makes keyword suggestions for Amazon sellers to find the exact keyword for their product. Get updated volume stats for each keyword and optimize your product listings by the best keyword suggested. Due to Asinkey skillfulness Asinkey readily unfold client’s research on Amazon, even if it is about tricky phrases and algorithms. In fact Amazon itself doesn’t appear with any information on the volume instead it works depended on it’s own research that Asinkey is supposed to do from its own algorithm. Key figure variations and the opportunity to implement complicated calculations make Asinkey an exceptional tool to compute search size for every single keyword. Unlike numerous other Amazon keyword tools, Asinkey stands out with its wonderful technical specifications and searching tactics.

 Keyword Tracking of Asinkey

Know where your products are ranking for keywords with one glance. Track your competitors’ products so you can see when they make a change that works.

As soon as you are done with your Amazon keyword search and product optimization you have to find out the ranking development of the optimized keywords. It is the greatest option to assure that the realized optimizations are getting better on rankings. Using the rank tracker you will be able to track the rankings of the keywords you have utilized. Track both Organic and Sponsored rankings with Asinkey. The Amazon tool is perfect both for organic and sponsored campaigns.


? Super URLs

Super URLs come as exceptional tools for increasing your ranking and improving the performance of your listing. Get external traffic to your products on Amazon and create additional sales. You can specify a keyword in the URL and thereby improve your product rankings for specific keywords.

www. / product / keywords

Product Listing Optimization

A properly done product listing optimization can make a big impact on sales. Once you rank higher, you sell more. Optimize your product title, description, images and reviews to improve the product visibility and rankings. It is more than clear that the most important keywords can be seen in the product listing’s headlines so that it could be easier to maximize perceptibility of those keywords. Write optimized title and descriptions, use high quality images and bullet points, get positive reviews: these are the key in getting traffic and making sales.

Negative Review

Asinkey provides negative review graph for Amazon sellers to follow and improve their product rates. You can always track what shoppers write about your products and improve your sales based on their opinions. Asinkey help you get positive reviews, generate more traffic and make better sales.



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